Dr. Leo Shub - Men's Health Specialist

Top US Surgeon Reveals Urgent Warning To All Men Over 40 

Men who struggle with urinary problems believe they have enlarged prostates.

But according to world-renowned surgeon Dr. Leonel Shub, these are symptoms of a much bigger problem. One that’s potentially lethal.

“There’s a new type of inflammation most doctors and urologists don’t know exists,” explains Dr. Shub.

The highly acclaimed surgeon, who’s been in the medical field for over 32 years, has spent the last 18 months studying this new type of deadly inflammation. He believes it’s caused by a common household chemical.

“There’s one harmful chemical you’ll find in virtually all fruits and veggies, shampoos, skincare products, bottled water, and even tupperware,” explains Dr. Shub. “And it’s responsible for triggering this new type of inflammation in the body.”

Dr. Shub calls it, “Estrogenic Inflammation.” 

And according to the latest studies, it’s linked to a host of health problems ranging from heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, to even enlarged prostates.

Fortunately, Dr. Shub has tested a new “2-Step Protocol” that combats this inflammation. And according to the latest results, it works wonders.

“[Dr. Shub’s 2-Step Protocol] works so well for bladder control issues,” reports Michael S., Age 75

“I was getting up to go to the bathroom 3-5 times each night before. But 30 days into [the protocol] I was only going once a night. By the end of two months I was not getting up at all,” says Chris B., age 42

“It has relaxed my prostate and I finally feel like I can fully empty my bladder,” says Peter C., age 63.

Dr. Shub’s “2-Step Protocol” works by targeting the source of the problem: the common household toxin. It is designed to flush out the inflammation-causing toxin for good.

“Once the toxin is flushed from your system, the inflammation finally goes away,” explains Dr. Shub. “And that’s when your prostate shrinks to normal and you see benefits like: fewer bathroom visits at night, fully emptying your bladder, and even improved sexual function.”

According to Dr. Leonel Shub, the 2-Step Protocol is easy to do. It doesn’t require drugs, pills, expensive procedures, or even a doctor’s visit.

Over the last 9 months, he’s been showing patients how to do the protocol from home. And the success rate has been incredible.

For the first time, Dr. Shub is publicly sharing his 2-Step Protocol for shrinking enlarged prostates.

His tutorial is available online for free, but that may soon change.

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